Monday, July 29, 2013

Preparing for the trip of a lifetime!

Well we are now close to going to Italy. What a trip this will be. We have been planning this trip for almost a year. We have our new suitcases, grey and red. We also have customized luggage straps curtesy of Gigi. I have been chatting with my good friend Stefano about incidentals, food, getting around, tipping, etc. 

Now I am restarting the blog that I had done for our Panama Canal trip so we can keep friends and family in the loop as we take this three week journey. I have the mobile blogging app from google so we shall see how much easier that makes it. The iPad 4 will certainly be easier than dragging a laptop along. 

Not sure if I need to re-invite all those who want to follow our travels but will check it out.

We are both so excited!