Monday, October 31, 2011

What day is it... Part 1

No pictures as my lazy ass hasn't taken the camera out. However it is clear that I have begun the process of forgetting about day and time. Either that or I have a sudden case of Alzheimer's.

So it's Monday. Yesterday I was able to sleep until 8:30 and then went to the Gym. Indeed, Needed to work off a few drinks from the Saturday night affair. Dinner was exquisite as is the case on board. we have an excellent table for 8 which leaves an empty seat. So we had a Toast to Dad and Jan got a bottle of Red as did I which we shared with the table. The meal as I said was delicious but the highlight to me was dessert. They had Peanut Butter Ice Cream.... Gigi and I winked at each other and ordered. It was OUTSTANDING.

Handsome Guy with his Beautiful Sister

We then walked dinner off by zig zaging our way around the promenade deck and a quick tour of the stores. we started exploring all the night clubs/bars on our way back to the cabin when Gigi decided she wanted a soda. So we all stopped at a bar, where Gigi sauntered up to the closest bar stool to by a soda card. Joan and Deb and I joined here. Had the greatest waiter serve her and had a hilarious time getting a soda card and then the soda. So Joan decided as long as we were sitting, that she would order a Gin and Tonic, and within moments I had bought us all a drink. I had a hand shaken spicy banana daquiri on the rocks, which everyone at the Bar started making comments. To everyone's amazement it was extremely good and refreshing and not sweet.

Monday was another day at sea and I had to keep correcting Joan that we are not stopping at Puerto Vallarta. We both got up late and to make it later we crossed into Mountain Daylight time and had to loose another hour. After the Gym, it was TACO bar day.... YUM!!!

After we had all had about as much sun as we could handle today, we headed back to our room as it was 2:00 and obviously time for drinks on the veranda. We enjoyed the drinks and had a fabulous view of Pacifica, the Sunset Beach, and finally Cabo San Lucas.

Sunset Beach
First of the Day!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Boarding another Dam Ship

So today we begin our big cruise.  It started with my first opportunity to sleep in without any reason to get up at any set hour. I am looking forward to awakening at 10 or 11 am......NO....I can't believe it. 5:40 am my eyes pop open wide awake. Try as I might, I could not fall back asleep and am up and dressed by 7:30. Working east coast hours has finally entered into my biological clock. Dismay. Distraught. Disenfranchised!....what else was there to do but head down stairs and consume copious amounts of Bacon with a side of eggs and a sampling of melons and pineapple.

At 12:00 we all rendezvoused for a van ride to the cruise port. 5 people and 50 tons of luggage. Upon arriving and determining that there was a great deal of distance between where the Van was dropping us off and where the baggage drop was located, Joe and I made quick decision to rent a pedicab. We sent Gigi and all the bags ahead, while the rest of us headed toward the long line.

Upon boarding we all went to find our rooms. Very convenient that they are all within 50 feet of each other. Ours has a veranda dead center of aft on floor 5. It will be an excellent place to have a Bon Voyage toast.

Gigi and Grandpa Warren always had a toast with champagne just before any cruise left port, and we kept the tradition and toasted to a Grand Voyage and Grandpa.

it was very different exiting the bay I am so familiar with on such a large ship. All my usual landmarks are the same, yet different. It always amazes me the speed at which these monster ships can attain.  We passed Harbour Island in a nod and a wink and shelter was shortly passed as well. As we approached the Subs Base we all ventured to starboard (the right side) to view Rosecrans where Dad's ashes are.

Past Buoy Marker 7, and we are approaching the end of Point Loma, There's Maker 5 and it looks like there is a sunset happening on an otherwise grey sky. Buoy Marker 3 and we don't turn north to Catalina, but the sunset is now in clear view and painting the sky in reds and orange. No whales though Joan continues to scan the water. Blue Whales were spotted not to long ago from this very spot. Buoy Marker 1 and the Channel in trance . The ship has quite a head of steam going now and we definitely angle south and quickly pass TJ.

Can you spot the crescent moon?

Friday, October 28, 2011

San. Diego

San Diego has proven to be an excellent start to this Journey. The hotel was super and they even have free Necco's when you check in. Necco's, the worlds best candy New England Candy COmpany....Joe and Deb are on the 15th floor while Gigi is on the 18th. Joan and I are on the 12th looking directly into Petco Park (which has its own tangent story). We went to the roof bar for cocktails and to wait for a sunset. We were not disappointed. Josh poored heavy and was well compensated, and the sunset was spectacular. Took several pictures which I will share as I get more accomplished at the mechanics of blogging.

We all agreed that the sunset was Grandpa Warren wishing us a good voyage and Great times. He would have been besides himself standing up here, drink in hand, observing the sunset and family together. He would have said "Out Standing!". And quickly snapped a picture. It was outstanding, and we all took pictures. First of the day Grandpa!

We later strolled down market street (otherwise known as the Gaslamp Distict) and enjoyed the sites and sounds. Great atmosphere as I pointed out the Gaslamp Strip Club where we had Geoff's bachelor party and "The Field" where we all did shots till quite late. It being Haloween weekend, the gas lamp looked like a toned down Burbon Street. There were bosoms a plenty on parade along with men dressed like women, women dressed like men, super heros, and vampires on every corner. It was a great walk and as I offered Gigi my arm for support, she commented how much of an improvement downtown was. Used to be you couldn't walk here at night. I chuckled as I was passed by a 6' playboy bunny with a beard.

Joe and Deb shared a bottle of Don Perigon that we had bought them for their 25th anniversary. Gigi, every so prepared, had the champagne glasses. Delicious. Now we are trying to sleep while a Giant techno music festival is going on at Petco Park right outside our room. This might be better on ecstasy,......but I don't think so.

Tomorrow we board the ship.

To Panama

So here goes with a start at blogging. I figured this might make a good way of tracking our progress as we go from San Diego to Ft Lauderdale via the infamous Panama Canal. Not sure how well or how frequently I will be updating, but for family and friends, I hope to share some pictures as well. I make no promises as to the quality of the content as I shall most frequently be accompanied by Mr Patron while blogging.

Deblet and Joe are on the train and Gigi is patiently waiting for our call that we have arrived. We are all converging on the Marriott Gaslamp to begin this Grand journey. I hope to discover how to include photos so as to share the highlight of the day. We now sit and wait in the Chairman's Club while the clock tick down to the mass boarding.