San Diego has proven to be an excellent start to this Journey. The hotel was super and they even have free Necco's when you check in. Necco's, the worlds best candy New England Candy COmpany....Joe and Deb are on the 15th floor while Gigi is on the 18th. Joan and I are on the 12th looking directly into Petco Park (which has its own tangent story). We went to the roof bar for cocktails and to wait for a sunset. We were not disappointed. Josh poored heavy and was well compensated, and the sunset was spectacular. Took several pictures which I will share as I get more accomplished at the mechanics of blogging.
We all agreed that the sunset was Grandpa Warren wishing us a good voyage and Great times. He would have been besides himself standing up here, drink in hand, observing the sunset and family together. He would have said "Out Standing!". And quickly snapped a picture. It was outstanding, and we all took pictures. First of the day Grandpa!
We later strolled down market street (otherwise known as the Gaslamp Distict) and enjoyed the sites and sounds. Great atmosphere as I pointed out the Gaslamp Strip Club where we had Geoff's bachelor party and "The Field" where we all did shots till quite late. It being Haloween weekend, the gas lamp looked like a toned down Burbon Street. There were bosoms a plenty on parade along with men dressed like women, women dressed like men, super heros, and vampires on every corner. It was a great walk and as I offered Gigi my arm for support, she commented how much of an improvement downtown was. Used to be you couldn't walk here at night. I chuckled as I was passed by a 6' playboy bunny with a beard.
Joe and Deb shared a bottle of Don Perigon that we had bought them for their 25th anniversary. Gigi, every so prepared, had the champagne glasses. Delicious. Now we are trying to sleep while a Giant techno music festival is going on at Petco Park right outside our room. This might be better on ecstasy,......but I don't think so.
Tomorrow we board the ship.
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